*Link to buy asset : https://parimon.itch.io/2d-monster-bundle-pack-volume-1

This package holds fun 2d monsters, animations and weapons that can immediatly be used for your game. With a demo scene to try out your animations and separate sprites to make your own!

This bundle contains

| Monsters Volume 1 |

Bat, Cultist, Goblin, Ghost, Imp, Lizard, Slime, Skeleton, Yeti and Zombie

| 10 Monsters Prefabs |

Different monster type prefabs with different weapons attached

| 66 animations |

These are idle, move, attack, hit, ko + extra special character animations as summon, orb, hover, second attack

| 16 weapon items |

Axe, Buckler, Dagger, Mace, Magic Book, Magic Orb, Magic Wand, Rapier, Skeleton Club, Sword, Trident, Wooden Arrow, Wooden Bow, Wooden Wand, Steel Arrow, Steel Bow

